Join the Society

Membership Benefits

Members of the Rawlings Society receive print newsletters delivered to your home, along with our annual journal and discounted conference registration for our annual meeting.

*membership levels

Enter Payment

Membership in the Rawlings Society is just two steps away. First, please enter your contact information in the form below then hit the “Send” button. If you are purchasing a membership for another person, be sure to enter their information in the form. Then, click the payment button that corresponds to the membership level you prefer, which will take you to a separate payment screen. Note: membership year runs from July through June. Thank you for your support.

Click Send to submit the form.

Use one of the payment buttons below to complete the transaction.

Student Membership

Student Memberships are available to any high school, college, or graduate students at a reduced rate.


Individual Membership

Purchase an Individual Membership.


Family Membership

This membership is for households with multiple family members who wish to be a part of the society.


Sustaining Member

To be a Sustaining Member of our society, you may elect to provide an additional amount with your membership.


Sponsor Membership

To further support the society as a Sponsor, you may do so with a Sponsor Membership.


Patron Membership

To support the society as a Patron, you may do so with a Patron Membership.


Benefactor Membership

To support our society as a Benefactor, you may purchase a Benefactor Membership.


Lifetime Membership

Lifetime Members are recognized on our website and in our newsletter.


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